Territory in 1817 |
Alabama |
Joined Union in 1819 |
1704-1818" nl |
1800-1819" nl |
1810 nl |
1811-19^ nl |
1820 nl |
1820-29^ nl |
1830 nl |
1840 nl |
1850 nl |
1860 nl |
1870 |
1880 nl |
1890* |
1900 nl |
1910 s nl |
1920 nl |
" Early AmericaSeries ^ DecennaryCensus
*Perry County,Perryville Beat #11 and Severe Beat #8
Purchased in 1867 |
Alaska |
Joined Union in 1959 |
1850 i |
1860 i |
1864 i |
1866 i nl |
1869 i nl |
1870 i nl |
1880 i nl |
1890 i nl |
1900 s nl |
1907 i nl |
1910 |
1920 s nl |
Territory in 1863 |
Arizona |
Joined Union in 1912 |
1830 |
1840 |
1850* nl |
1860 nl |
1864# i |
1866# nl |
1867# nl |
1869# nl |
1870 nl |
1880 nl |
1890 |
1900 nl |
1910 |
1920 nl |
* Independence,Izard, Jackson & Lawrence counties# TerritorialCensus Index
Territory in 1819 |
Arkansas |
Joined Union in 1836 |
1819-29* i nl |
1820 i nl |
1823-29^ i nl |
1830 i nl |
1830-39* i nl |
1840 i nl |
1850# i nl |
1860 i |
1870-1907+ i nl |
1880 nl |
1890 |
1910 s |
1920 s nl |
*Tax Lists
Mexico ceded to U.S. in 1848 |
California |
Joined Union in 1850 |
1830 |
1840 |
1860 i |
1880 s |
1890 |
1900 s |
1910 s |
1920 s |
Territory in 1861 * |
Colorado |
Joined Union in 1876 |
1860 nl |
1870 nl |
1880 nl |
1885 ^ |
1890 |
1900 s |
1910 |
1920 s |
* Eastern Coloradoin Louisiana Purchase 1803^ State Territorial Census
Colony in 1636 |
Connecticut |
Joined Union in 1788 |
1670 nl |
1800 nl |
1810 nl |
1820 nl |
1830 nl |
1840 nl |
1850 i |
1860 i |
1870 |
1880 s |
1890 |
1900 s |
1910 |
1920 s |
Territory in 1861 |
Dakota |
Joined Union in 1889 |
1850^ nl |
1860* nl |
1870* nl |
1880* i |
^ PembinaDistrict* TerritorialCensus
Colony in 1776 * |
Delaware |
Joined Union in 1787 |
1665-97 |
1790^ nl |
1800 nl |
1810 nl |
1820 nl |
1830 nl |
1840 nl |
1850 i |
1860 i |
1870 i |
1880 s |
1890 |
1900 s |
1910 |
1920 s |
* Delaware part ofthe New York colony in 1664 ^Reconstructed
Census: AL to DE
FL to LA
ME to NM
NY to SD
TN to WY
JochemWouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated April 4, 2001