1860 Census
Two different publishers provide index information for the 1860 Arkansas census. Here is the information from both.
County |
Ward |
John V. |
68 |
LF |
County |
Town |
Ward |
John V. |
786 |
Hempstead |
Missouri Town |
Note:Both of the index publications are in error. Here is what the census sheet says of these entries: LDS #0803045 Dwelling 493, Family 473 -- La Fayette Co, Post Office: Spring Bank -- Ward, John W. LDS #0803042 Dwelling 687, Family 677 -- Hempstead Co, Post Office: Moscow -- Ward, James S. |
Jochem Wouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated April 16, 2001