- Census information can be found in three basic forms:
- microfilm copies of the original handwritten sheets,
- published books which index those censuses by surname,
- Soundex, and
- Miracode listings.
I have used all four resources here. The key is below.
Site and Census Key
Information taken from a published index rather than the census sheet itself.
Soundex is an indexing resource for census material. If this is unfamiliar to you, here is some information.
Miracode is similar to the soundex, which indexes census information.
I have found no Van Wert or variant listing in any index for that year.
Information under this letter comes from other schedules than census. See this page for more.
Dates followed by no letter or symbol mean I took information directly from the census.
Greyed out dates mean I cannot find access to material for that year in any form.
The publisher of an index uses this to mean the census entry itself is unclear.
Parentheses are used by the publisher or author of any information.
My comments within material will always be enclosed by brackets.
# " ^ +
Various marks indicate sources other than the national census, or of a partial listing.
Names I have taken a "looks like, sounds like" approach to what is listed here. Because of the great variation in spelling especially during earlier years, because census information was dictated to the census-taker and his own cultural background would guide his sense of how to spell an unfamilar name, and because typos are possible in any indexing, I have included any name which might stand for a Van Wert person or family. It seems wiser to be more inclusive, rather than less. This includes spellings such as Van Whort, Van Wooet and Van Hert. There are also legitimate Van Werts which become "lost" due to the oddities of transcription. One of these is Wort, Sarah Van. Fortunately these instances are few.
Missing years You will notice that there is only patchy coverage in some states. In many cases census records have been lost in whole or in part. In other cases not all index volumes or Soundex reels are available to me locally. Despite this I do arrange my available time to hunt down what I can, when out of town.
Accuracy The information here is at several stages of removal from the original. I may have made mistakes in transcription from the census reports,the census index may have mistakes or typos, or I may have made errors in transcribing from my notes to these pages, despite proofreading. I have not, howwever, corrected or changed any listings, even obvious typos.
While in retrospect, this seems obvious, I have recently discovered that information in a census index may differ from one publisher to another, depending on the indexing company. As a result I have been gradually going back to the libraries to make note of which publisher has supplied the information. So, the short of it is, please take this only as a guide for your further research. And if you find a mistake, I'd appreciate the opportunity to correct it.
Later Index listings are only a first look. Over time I plan to include the complete information from the census rather than just that for the head of household.
Help If you happen to have access to the census or census index for a greyed out date and would be willing to look for Van Wert names--or correct a mistake--please contact me.
Go to census listings for:
Jochem Wouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated April 4, 2001