Other people's lines
Deby's website Dutch Renderings has a page listing researchers of Van Wert and allied names. A number of the researchers have shared their own VW information which is posted at that site.
For a Van Wert database
Visit cousin Mary's site, Van Woert Genealogy, for the descendants of Teunis Jacobsen Van Schoonderwoert from the published genealogy by Dr. Irving Van Wert.
The Ward Genealogy
More Van Wert surnames
Take a look at Melissa's site, the Ward Genealogy for Van Waart, Van Weart, Van Wart, Van Weert and more.
VW maillist
Information posted on the VW maillist
This maillist is made up of bits which are found by those subscribed to that list. This may be for any of the more than hundred VW-related names from Dutcher to Ten Eyck, and is archived. The archive also offers a search option.
To post queries about VW ancestors, please visit the RootsWeb-sponsored Van Wert -Van Schoonderwoert bulletin board.
JochemWouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated January 14, 2001