Obituary |
Jacob Van Woert. Born July 11, 1845, Died January 26, 1915. Jacob Van Woert, a descendant of one of the old Dutch families of this State, died at his home Valleyview, at Grieg, Lewis County, N.Y., in his seventy-ninth year. Mr. Van Woert's family came to the country in 1635 and settled at Schenectady. He was a member of the Holland Society, having been elected December 8, 1898, is survived by a son, James Burtis Van Woert. -- The Yearbook of the Holland Society, 1915, p. 270 |
Jochem Wouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated December 17, 2000