Obituary |
James Burtis Van Woert. James Burtis Van Woert was born at 32 Rutgers Street , in the Seventh Ward of the city of New York, February 3, 1847. He died November 21, 1908. He was the son of John Voorhees Van Woert and Maria Louisa Gross. John Voorhees Van Woert was born in Albany and was descended from Rutger Jacobse Van Schoenderwoert, who arrived from Holland October 1, 1636. Maria Louisa Gross was born in the city of New York. Her father, Jean Francois Gross, arrived from France in the year 1805. He was wounded in the battle of Austerlitz and carried the bullet in his leg to the day of his death. Jean Francois Gross married Harriet Albertis, whose ancestors came from Venice, arriving in New York during the earliest period of its settlement. John Voorhees Van Woert came to New York from Albany in 1829 and engaged in the leather business in the "Swamp." Afterwards he associated his sons with him and they subsequently maintained the firm. The entire career of James Burtis Van Woert was identified in New York. He was educated at the City Grammar School. He was a membser of The Protestant Episcopal Church. Mr. Van Woert joined The Holland Society June 25, 1885, and was made a Trustee of the Society in 1895. He also joined the St. Nicholas Society of the city of New York, February 29, 1904. Those whose privilege it was to be associated with Mr. Van Woert in any respect were fortunate. He was quiet in demeanor, dignified, and, at the same time, possessed a magnetic personality. His eminent good nature, abiding thoughtfulness, and prevailing sweetness of disposition were admirable accomplishments of his sterling and sincere character, his unvarying integrity, his beautiful talent for usefulness and helpfulness to others in a variety of delicate ways. He was sure to enjoy the affection and confidence of whoever came within the atmosphere of his magnetic friendship. His fellowship and helpfulness in relation to the congenial work of The Holland Society were deeply appreciated by his associates. No member of the organization was more earnestly devoted to the promotion of the objects and purposes of The Society than was Mr. Van Woert. His loss is universally mourned. RESOLVED: "That the sympathies and condolences of the Officers, Trustees, and Members of The Holland Society of New York be communicated to the immediate members of Mr. Van Woert's family, and that this memorial become a part of the minutes of the annual meeting of April 6, 1909 and that a copy of the same be suitably engrossed and presented to the family." - The Yearbook of the Holland
Society, 1909 p. 160 |
Jochem Wouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated December 17, 2000