By Kenneth Scott, 1970
ANDREWS, Germanicus, of New York
City, upholsterer -- Inventory (29 May 1718) taken by
Lancaster Symes, appraiser, and Edward Pennant. Persons
indebted to the estate were William Mingham, Thomas Haynes,
Samuel Wood, William Laight, John Burd, Richard Bishop,
Peter Hapleford, Thomas King, Robert Notham, Capt.
Ditchfield, Emanuele Jackson, Daniel Dingle and Richard
Gore. Anne Andrews, widow of the dec'd, was administratrix.
Her account (1 July 1718) records payment of more than
£10 for Funeral charges and also debts paid to Mrs.
Lynd for cider, to John Parmynter, Mr. Rutgers,
Edward Pennant, Mr. Clarke the brewer, Abraham Santford, Dr.
Brains for physic and attendance, Mr. Meech, Mr. Vernon, Mr.
Sharpass the sheriff, Mr. Wileman, Jacob Swan and Dr.
Hodges. |
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BREVOORT, Henry, of the Bowery,
yeoman -- Inventory (7 Oct. 1721) taken and appraised by
Phillip Minthorn and Cornelius Wartendick, at the request of
Jackemenca Brevoort, executrix, and Elias Brevoort and
Abraham Duckey, executors. Among the items listed were a
gun, pistol and an old sword (£2 / 5 / -), an old Dutch
Bible and 5 other old books (6s.), a Negro man called Jack
(£50), a Negro woman called Diauna (£30) and a
silver tumbler (15s.). The account of the executors lists
payments to Joast Linse, David Janson, Johannes Vanderhuel,
Jannitie Van Scaick, Annatie Hoghlandt, Frances Cowenhaven,
John Montamey, Anthony Rutgers, Albert Van Bursen,
Johnson the barber, Harmanus Rutgers, Gerardus
Comfort, Jacob Buckey, Janneke Buckey, Jacob Sean, Capt.
Blagg, Jacobus Golett, Elias Brevoort, Samuel Byard, Mr.
Wyleman, Leanna Cooper, Henry Myer for the will, Class
Everse, Garrett Van Horn, for funeral expenses of his son
Jacob, Taneke Bucke, Zacherias (no name), Mr. Myer by tin,
Johannes Brevoort, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Huddleston for his
advice and trouble. |
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BUCKHOUT, Capt. John -- Memorandum
(1787-1790) of Matthias Buckhout and William Davis,
executors, shows money paid to the legatees of the dec'd,
Jacob Van Wart (for his wife), William Devoe (for his
wife), John Buckhout (son of Isaac Buckhout), Jacob
Buckhout, John Highfield, Ebenezer Price (for his wife),
Elizabeth Jewel, Conrat Sedore (for his wife), Matthias
Buckhout, Mary Garrison (daughter of Isaac Buckhout), John
Buckhout (for Rachel Genung, daughter of Isaac Buckhout),
John Acker (for his wife), Matthias Conklin (for his wife),
Jacob Wiley (for his wife), Abraham Acker, Abraham Locke
(for his wife), Mary Acker, Josiah Secorr (for his wife,
daughter of Sarah Buckhout), Henry Charlick (for his wife),
Jacob Jewel, William Ladew (for his wife) and John Jewel.
Account (20 July 1790) of Matthias Buckhout, surviving
executor, shows among other items £70 received on a
bond of John Jewel for a Negro man called Tom, £40 for
a Negro wench of John Jewel sold before the death of John
Buckhout, £70 received of Henry Banker on a bond for a
Negro man called Dick, £70 from Jasper Stimers for a
Negro man called Teem and £52 from Henry Tenure for a
Negro man called David. |
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CROOKE, Charles, Of Poughkeepsie,
Dutchess Co., physician -- Inventory (3 Nov. 1788) taken by
Myndert Van Kleeck and Robert Noxon at request of John
Davis, administrator. Among items listed were 4 cases of
surgeon's instruments, a gold freemason's medal (wt. 3dwt.
20gr.). Among items held in common by the dec'd and his
sister and brother were a silver tankard, a silver
soup-spoon, 8 silver tablespoons, 6 silver teaspoons and a
silver teapot. Items in the house that appeared to be the
property of Mrs. Ariante Crooke (grandmother of the dec'd)
were a large table, a picture of Anthony Rutgers and
a picture of Ariante Crooke. Some goods were in the
possession of William Barber at the request of Ann Annake
(or Ariante?) Crooke. Accounts of the administrator mention
John Crooke (a son of the dec'd), the widow of the dec'd,
and a sum received from Mary Crooke. |
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LEVY, Samuel, of New York City,
merchant -- Inventory of goods sold at auction on 10 June
1719, signed and exhibited on 9 March 1721/2 by Nathan
Simson and Jacob Franks. Some of the items listed were 293
1/2 oz. of Spanish silver (£126 /
11 / 6 1/4), 35 1/2
pistoles (£49 / 14 / -), 8 guineas (£13 / 4 / -),
1 French guinea (£1 / 12 / _ ) [sic], 6 moidores
(£12 / 18 / -), 4 Arabian pieces (£2), Jersey
bills (£6 / 5 / -), New England bills (£1 / 2 /
-), 1/4 share of the pink Charlot
(£80). Money was received from numerous persons, for
example from Jacob Rutsen, Baraugh Juda, Adrian Man,
William Bradford, Judith Isaacs, Abraham Pinto, Rodrigo
Patcheco, Isaac Demodena, Abraham Isaacs, Daniel Mouro,
Jacob Santford and £42 from Janetie Criger for a Negro.
There were a number of items for which there was no
appraisal, for example, 12 small India pictures, 5 gilt
pictures, a watch and 76 oz. of wrought plate. |
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Jacob, of Ulster Co. -- Inventory (22 Sept. 1729) taken
by Jacob Rutsen, Johannes Hardenburgh, William Nottingham
and Nicholas Roosa, Executors, and appraised by Capt. Joris
Middagh, Mattys Blanchan and Andries Heermans and exhibited
on 13 Oct. 1729 by the executors. Among items listed were
five slaves hired out to Jacob Rutsen during the term of
hire of Rosendale, namely 4 men, Leendert, Piero, Tom and
Cezar, and a woman named Geny. A Negro girl named Judith was
given to Mary De Witt. Other slaves were an old Negro woman
named Anna "not worth her Maintenance," a woman named Isabel
and a suckling child named Betty (£45), a Negro woman
named Ella (£50) and three Negro boys, Jan (£30),
Piet (£24) and Jack (£17). Also listed were a
smith's anvil (£8), much pewter, 2 brass candlesticks
(8s.), 4 silver teaspoons (9s.6d.), 6 paper pictures (6s.),
a number of books, one of which was a Dutch book called The
Life and Actions of William the First and Maurice, Princes
of Orange (15s.), and a musket (18s.). |
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VAN WART, Abraham, of
Tarrytown, Westchester Co. -- Inventory (2 May 1784) taken
by Mary Van Wart, administrix, and appraised by
Joseph Youngs and William Paulding. The only item of silver
was 5 teaspoons (15s.). -- Inventory (23 Feb. 1788) of real
estate, appraised by Jacob Cowenhoven and Richard Peacock --
List (n.d.) of articles purchased, chiefly by Mary Van Wart.
-- Account (1 Nov. 1787) of Mary Van Wart. There were
payments to William and Rachel Van Wart. |
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VAN WART, Martinus, of
Westchester Co. -- Inventory (6 Aug. 1785) taken by
Rachel Van Wart, administratrix, and signed by
Jacob Van Wart, James Hammes (?) and David Lee. The
only item of silver was 11 buttons. |
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WOUTSE, Ewout, of New York City,
potter -- Inventory (16 March 1718/9) taken by Sarah, widow
and executrix of the dec'd, and appraised by Jacobus Kip,
Abraham Boelen and Anthony Rutgers. The most valuable
item in the estate was a Negro man called Henry (£49).
Account (18 Feb. 1719/20) of Sarah Ewoutse lists debts paid
and claims against the estate. Among the funeral charges
were the following: 9 gallons of wine, a barrel of beer, 1
1/2 gallons of rum, 15 pound of sugar, spices, a gross of
pipes, 6 pounds of tobacco and 8 pairs of gloves. |
Jochem Wouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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Updated February 19, 2001