from 1737 Being statistics comiled on the occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Incorporation of the Town, May 15, 1900.
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VI. JACOB, son of Lieut. James5 [Robert4, Henry3, Thomas2, Robert1]; moved to Spencer, N.Y., with his family, which consists of Betsey7 (Van Woert), Persis7 (Crossen); Deborah7 (Stevens); Sally7 (Doane); Rebecca7 b. 1798, Dec. 1; m. Henry J. Plummer (b. 1800, Sept. 6); she d. 1885; (two sets of twins); Othniel Sumner7, and by a second marriage: Rachel7, George7; John7; Ephraim7; Thomas7; Joshua; and David7. VII. OTHNIEL SUMNER, son of Jacob 6[ Lieut. James5, Lieut. Robert4, Lieut. Henry3, Capt. Thomas,2 Robert1]; had children: Nancy Elizabeth (King) of New York; Albert Sumner, now living in Yorklin, Delaware; Lemuel Dickerman, now living in Chicago; Jacob Othniel, now living in Oswego, N. Y.; Dr. Franklin Joseph, b. 1851, m. Alice Lowman, now a physician in Brooklyn, N. Y.; Enoch Lorenzo, m. Sarah Van Woert. Page 1098-99 |
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Published by the Town, Concord, N. H., 1903 |
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Updated February 19, 2001