Hon. Jeff. Van Note(Farmer and Ex-Representative, Post Office, Hamilton). |
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It is well known all over the county that he whose name heads this sketch is among the most influential and public-spirited citizens of Gomer township. Owning an excellent farm of 128 acres, all under fence and with every improvement and convenience, Mr. Van Note conducts his business according to the most enterprising and enlightened methods. His home place is a model of neatness and comfort--just such a one as he, with his love of home and family, would be expected to possess. A representative son of the State of Illinois, he was born in Morgan county, January 5, 1839, his parents being Charles and Ann (Sturgis) Van Note, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of Ohio, a daughter of James Sturgis, Esq. Charles Van Note left the State of his birth when 12 years of age and went to Ohio, locating hear Cincinnati, where he was subsequently married. Jeff., as he is everywhere familiarly but respectfully known, was the eldest of a family of five children. His earliest recollections are those of spending his time upon the home farm, and there he grew up, farming having continued to be his chosen calling in life. Upon the breaking out of the war in 1861 Mr. Van Note immediately offered himself as a soldier, and it was during his military career that the hidden qualities of the man were first brought forth. Enlisting in the 3d Illinois cavalry, he was made orderly sergeant, and during his entire service participated in many engagements, a full account of which might of itself fill a volume. Among the most prominent were the battles of Pea Ridge and Sherman's repulse at Vicksburg, where, as a member of the advance guard, he was one of the first to fire a shot. He was also present at the encounters at Arkansas Post, Champion's Hill, Siege of Vicksburg, Black River and a number of skirmishes of lesser importance. He was mustered out September 5, 1864, after which he returned to Illinois. In a short time, while passing through this portion of Missouri on his way to Kansas, he became so impressed with the appearance of the country that he determined to locate here, which he did in 1869. Since then this county has been his home. In 1882 the people of this vicinity manifested the confidence and respect which they had always entertained for Mr. Van Note by electing him to represent them in the State Legislature. To say that his official duties were discharged in a satisfactory manner would be superfluous, for it is known that his career in the House was a marked one. He was a member of the Committee of Roads and Highways and Township Organization; and an important item in regard to the service of the former committee was a bill of unusual length and great importance which met with but seven dissenting votes on its passage through the House. His legislateive term expired in the fall of 1883. Besides this Mr. Van Note has been a member of the County Court, serving as one of the "twelve apostles" as they were humorously styled. His marriage to Miss Mary M. Carter occurred October 16, 1870, her birthplace being Morgan County, Illinois. Their family consists of six children: Iva M., Mary Etta, Edith E., Estella, Charles and Willliam Derwood. Mr. Van Note belongs to the I. O. O. F. |
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St. Louis, National Historical Co., p. 442-443 |
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