Here are some of the surnames which have evolved from the families of the four immigrant ancestors: Jochem Wouterszen, Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert, Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert, and Jacobin Van Wardt. Some of these surnames, like the Rutgers group, are associated only with his descendants. Of the others, although there are patterns, there is no way to be certain--short of research--in linking a current surname to any particular ancestor.
Rutgers |
Rutsen |
Van Schoenderwert |
Van Schoenderwoerdt |
Van Schoenderwoerdt |
Van Schoenderwoert |
Van Schoonderwoerdt |
Van Schoonderwoert |
Van Note |
Van Nort |
Van Oort |
Van Waard |
Van Waardt |
Van Waart |
Van Waerd |
Van Waert |
Van Ward |
Van Wardt |
Van Wart |
Van Weardt |
Van Weart |
Van Weerdt |
Van Weert |
Van Werdt |
VanWeordt |
Van Weort |
Van Wert |
Van Whart |
Van Woert |
Van Woort |
Van Wort |
Von Wort |
Ward |
Wardt |
Jochem Wouterszen | Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert | Teunis Jacobszen Van Schoonderwoert
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